SYNSEA is a Neuroscientific Research and Design Consulting firm.

Neuroscience applied to design investigates how the environment and its tangible and intangible characteristics affect the perception of the experience. Experimental research provides usable data on the dialogue between space and our nervous system, which is a necessary criterion in order to design spaces that resonate with the neurophysiological, cognitive, and emotional expectations of users.

What we do

We conceptualize and design spaces based on theoretical and experimental research that are both functional to serve users' expectations, and are aesthetically studied in detail according to human perception theories.

We collaborate with designers and architectural firms for consultancy services and project design; we provide post-hoc analysis of spaces that are already built. 

How we do it

We study the functioning of the nervous system.

We analyse how stimuli from the environment affect our multisensory perception.

We design spaces and experiences by applying neuroscientific insights with the aim of accommodating the neurophysiological needs of the users, creating cognitive and emotional outputs.

Why we do it

More often than not, spaces are designed in a conventionally fashionable and affordable manner, and many features are chosen according to preferences that do not prioritize humans’ sensory well-being.

We prioritize conscious design that perfectly balances insights ranging from neuroaesthetics to neurophysiology, with the aim of creating spaces that are not only beautiful according to general human perception, but also perfectly functional.

Focus Areas


    Being the home the most intimate place, and with the strongest emotional connotation, we work with specifically tailored research tools to construct the best environment for every individual.


    Most children spend numerous hours of their lives in classrooms, performing tasks that require the most different cognitive states. By modifying specific features of the built environment, we are able to positively impact students’ outputs such as focus, learning, and well-being.


    As explained by studies of Neurogastronomy, taste perception and the overall eating experience are just as determined by the food we consume as they are by the environment. By identifying the design variables that interfere with food perception, we can provide the most intense eating experiences.


    Human beings spend a great part of their life in the workspace. This implies a huge impact on their general health and well-being, which in turn reflects on their quality of life. An environment that is in tune with users’ needs significantly impacts work performance and positive outcomes on all scales.


  • A qualitative post-hoc analysis of projects’ strenghts

  • A qualitative post-hoc analysis of projects’ strenghts and weaknesses

  • A qualitative post-hoc analysis of projects’ strengths and weaknesses and consequent project design to take care of projects’ issues

  • For brand-new spaces that require a project ex-novo and no prior analysis